Corporate management system
Regulatory and legal documents
- Code of Business Ethics of Ereymentau Wind Power LLP
- Order of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated August 19, 2014 No. 3
- Law on Support for the Use of Renewable Energy Sources
- Rules for centralized purchase and sale by the settlement and financial center of electric energy produced by facilities for the use of renewable energy sources
- On approval of the Rules of Functioning of the balancing market of electric energy
- On the approval of fixed tariffs
- On approval of the Rules, deadlines for approval and Approval of feasibility studies and projects for the Construction of facilities for the use of renewable energy sources
- Rules for determining the tariff for supporting renewable energy sources
- Rules for determining the nearest point of connection to electric or thermal networks and connection of facilities for the use of renewable energy sources
- Law on Support for the Use of Renewable Energy
- Rules for the formation, maintenance and approval of the list of bona fide suppliers of the holding
- Code of conduct